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About Us

TechMasterLab Founded in 3rd December 2013. TechMasterLab is an online publication which provides Blogging Tips, Technology Tips, SEO Tips, Make Money Online Tips and the best other things available on the web. The main aim of this site is to educate all bloggers basically new bloggers with quality tips and make them to become a decent and famous ProBlogger. The article available at TechMasterLab are of beginner level so that users of almost all departments can easily understand and implement them in their practical blogging life.

We have been working with blogger from 2012.This is the reason why we advice our readers to give this platform a try before jumping to any other complicated platform like WordPress. Therefore, Our main goal is to bring new users towards Blogger and teach them the real tricks of blogging to stand at the same position as we are standing today.

Founder, Owner and CEO of  TechMasterLab  is a SEO Consultant, Electrical and Electronic  Engineer, Part Time Blogger and an addicted Web Developer. He also works as the Social Media manager.He started blogging in  2013 just after starting his BSc in EEE. He started his blogging journey as a 21 year old. He has been working with about 2 years and still calls himself as a beginner.  Apart from the internet, he likes studying, playing, gossiping, sleeping, listening song, traveling and so on.He is the head of management at TechMasterLab and also works as senior editor.

TechMasterLab published by Founder on 28rd June 2020.

Please remember to be thankful to GOD Almighty for gifting you with the ability to read and write. Everyone of you is a born genius, you just need to recognize your God gifted potentials. Wishing you all a happy Blogging career. Stay blessed and be happy always.

Thank You!

Tech Master Lab


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