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Free Download BloggerYard Blogger Template

BloggerYard is a popular well furnished and useful Blog. BloggerYard's template is really so awesome and cool, But SEO Friendly. I think every New or Pro Blogger must have this template which was made by the Popular Blog named BloggerYard's author Mohammad Yakoob. So I'm sharing you this template for free Download, Because BloggerYard has also a very good template like other blog's template or just like our template, So I made a decision to make a clone version on BloggerYard's template and give it for free to use. But, If you are going to use this free BloggerYard Cloned Template, Please put a BloggerYard's credit link on the footer.

Live Demo                                                 Download Now

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BloggerYard free Template Features:

  • SEO Friendly  - This template was very search engine optimize and we did that just for your convenience.
  • Responsive Template  - BloggerYard template is flexible and highly responsive Blogger template. We have tried our best to produce a high quality theme with extremely flexible responsive style. We have tested it with different devices and it works the way it should be.
  • Optimize For Adsense - We have added some Html Comments that will help you to display Ads below and above your posts. In your template search for <!—AdSense Above Posts --> or <!-- AdSense Below Posts --> and replace it with your parse AdSense ad code.

BloggerYard Template Customization:

  • To change the text and links at the black navbar, Just Search the codes below: Please just change the text with RED and ORANGE colors.

<ul class='right'>
   <li> <a class='current' href='/'>Home</a> </li>
   <li> <a href='/services'>Justin</a> </li>
   <li> <a href='/about'>is just</a> </li>
   <li> <a href='/services'>Awesome</a> </li>
   <li> <a href='/services'>I&#39;m just</a> </li>
    <li> <a class='lasst' href='/contact'>Kidding</a> </li>


  • This BloggerYard template is really hard to customized if you are talking about bloggers that does not have great knowledge about HTML and CSS. What we are talking about is the footer layout, Because it's really hard to customized and you should understand the simple coding inside it first.

Final Words:

  1. Please put a BloggerYard credit link on the footer.
  2. We are not responsible if something happens bad on your blog if you change the credit link.
  3. Because we have told you that put some credit links in the footer. Thanks for the Download and please make some comments below if you have any problems or suggestions.

Tags : 
BloggerYard Template, Free Download BloggerYard Template, BloggerYard Clone Template, BloggerYard SEO Friendly Template, BloggerYard Premium Template.


  1. hello Great post thanks for sharing FBT Tricks

    1. Thank You for also for your valuable comment.

    2. Keep visiting us for new updates

  2. How to customize footer area . like how to add widget to footer

    1. You just need to add some code in your template. For that reason you need CSS code skill.

  3. Here is a solution for you. I provided this on a text document. Download this documnet from below link.

  4. Okay I'll do that for you. Please wait for a days.

  5. Okay .. Thank you so much .. I'll be waiting for your reply

    1. The template you gave me in (text format) is not working. I am trying a lot to upload it on my blog after converting on (xml format). But, It's not uploading yet. Can You able to send me in (xml format) as soon as possible.

    2. I already made a template like BloggerYard for you. If you need you may ask me for it to me.

  6. Please .. will u please send it to me ?

    1. Of Course, I will send it to you. Because, I made it for you. I need to send it to you with your privacy. For this reason, You need to send me any Email Address of you. You, Can send me your Email privately using Contact Us form which is situated at the end on my Website/Blog Sidebar.

  7. Replies
    1. I already send the template. Please Check Your MailBox. Happy Blogging. Keep visiting us to get latest updates.

  8. K M Tanvir Rahman, Amazing Work .. It's Just as i expected ! Great .. But i have a little problem .. so check ur mailbox ..

    1. Okay! I am trying to solve that problems. Please, Wait for a while.

  9. K M Tanvir Rahman . Thank you so much. I have Fixed The Problems. And my blogger template looks professional just because of u .. You rock !

    1. I also already solve most of the problem. Because of my Exam I was unable to work fast. Happy to know that you already solve the problem. Good Luck.

    2. What is your website address in where you using That template?

  10. But there are some remaining problems after that i'll start blogging!

    1. Can You able to share your problem? Me & My Talented Visitors can help you. I wish you can get solution from here.

  11. K M Tanvir Rahman. Check your email box.

  12. And please tell me how to add image to header??

    1. Dear, Mohammad Naeem Ramzani ! I am really busy in my study in this time. My Semister Final Exam is held. I need one or two day to solve that problem. For this reason you have to stay. If you can then wait for some moment.

  13. Okay, Np .. Take as much as u want .. ! i'll be waiting for u

  14. Replies
    1. Yes, I'm quiet free now ! What do you want to know? @Mohammad Naeem Ramzani.

  15. First I want to fix the footer area of my blog !

  16. Hello K M Tanvir Rahman ! Will u please solve it for me ?

    1. Sure ! Why Not? It's My Passion. But, The template you gave me in (text format) is not working. I am trying a lot to upload it on my blog after converting on (xml format). But, It's not uploading yet. Can You able to send me in (xml format) as soon as possible. You may follow the link to know about
      "How To Back Up Blogger Template" . After Making a backup of your template, please send it to me. I'll make a solution for you.

  17. Sure ! Why not. Tell me about which comment style you want to use? After that, You just send template to me in (xml) format) soon. You may follow the link to know about
    "How To Back Up Blogger Template" . After Making a backup of your template, please send it to me. I'll make a solution for you.

  18. Sure ! Why not. Tell me about which comment style you want to use? After that, You just send template to me in (xml) format) soon. You may follow the link to know about
    "How To Back Up Blogger Template" . After Making a backup of your template, please send it to me. I'll make a solution for you.

  19. Please, Check you last comment. On that comment you didn't provide me your template link. You provide me same link twitch. Will you please send me your correct template link?

  20. Template Link

  21. This is not what blogger yard is currently using bro.

    Pls check and update.

    I love their latest template

    Can you get it for me pls

    1. I already release new template. Keep an eye on my new post. Thank You for your valuable comment. Keep visiting us for latest updates.

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    1. Your site is now under construction. Stay under construction is not good for SEO.

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  24. Your site is now under construction. Stay under construction is not good for SEO.

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    1. Thank You for your valuable comment. Keep visiting us for latest updates. Your blog is also nice.

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